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The Most Popular Breeds of Cat, includes the Maine Coon Cat

The Most Popular Cat Breeds

The Five Most Popular Cat Breeds Today

Cat breeds can be as diverse and colorful as any other species of animal, and each type will come with its own unique look, characteristics and temperament. If you are thinking of adding a cat to your family, why not consider one of the most popular cat breeds today? There are plenty of gorgeous cats to choose from, but these five breeds have won over the hearts of more cat lovers than any others.

The Persian
It is no wonder why the Persian has been one of the most popular cat breeds for generations, with their beautiful thick coats and sweet, gentle dispositions. You can find Persians in a wide variety of colors, including black, grey, orange and the popular white. Persians originated in the country of their name, and are thought to go back at least as far as 1684 B.C., when hieroglyphics make reference to this animal.

The Siamese Cat
Siamese cats are another popular cat breed, and often the one that people think of most when they think felines. Siamese also come from the country of the same name, which is known as Thailand today. These cats have a very beautiful appearance and tend to be rather high maintenance creatures to own. They crave attention and will voice their displeasure when they don't get enough with their distinct cries.

The Maine Coon Cat
The Maine Coon is an ancient breed that is highly adaptable to a wide variety of climates and environments. This cat breed is considered to be the original American long-hair cat, and continues to be a popular choice for cat lovers today. The playful and pleasant nature of these cats makes them a good choice for families, including those with small children.

The Ragdoll
The popularity of this breed is undoubtedly due as much to its laid-back nature as it is to its beauty. Ragdolls can be more like dogs than cats at times, running to the door to greet you when you come home or enjoying a rousing game of fetch. These cats have medium-length coats that need some grooming to keep them looking their best. This cat breed is another great choice as a family pet, as long as it will be kept indoors.

The Burmese
The Burmese is another cat breed that likes people, making it a good companion for individuals and families. This is a short-haired breed that requires little or no grooming maintenance on the part of the owner. Burmese can use their voices like a Siamese cat will, but their cries tend to be on the softer side.
About the Author

Charlie Reese admires cats and researching cat Charliestory. In Charlies spare time he enjoys giving psychic readings and relationship advice. Read more about in wings bird pro

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